Welcome To Our Brightest Future
The Tour - Step 1/5
Creating A New Model
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
∼ Buckminster Fuller
Designer, Inventor, Philosopher, and Futurist.
What's In The Name?
The United Nations of Gaia is a name that we believe is…
universal, practical and meaningful.
Let’s break it down and explore why we think it works:
A united society is a peaceful society. Increased unity is the path toward world peace.
The world will greatly benefit from a higher level of global unity.
Unity produces peace, prosperity and wellbeing.
Division on the other hand produces conflict, poverty and despair.
A new cultural story is emerging in the world based on the understanding that human beings are all part of one humanity, that our contrasts do not need to lead to conflicts and that our differences do not divide us.
Unity is a principle that is central to Humanity’s Brightest Future.
A nation is ultimately an expression of its citizens. When people of different nations choose consciously to be united across the globe, their nations will reflect this choice.
To many it is clear that we are one human family, organized in nations and not divided by them. In our vision, it is through a worldwide grassroots cultural movement that humanity will remove its artificial barriers and divisions to ultimately produce a federation of democratic nations, desired and built from the bottom up.
The existing organization known as The United Nations was created in 1945 by the governments of 51 founding member states and not directly by their respective citizens. However, for over 77 years The United Nations has represented a big step for humanity in the right direction, and by no means are we advocating the dissolution of this great institution that now counts 193 member states. The world is a better place because of it even as we observe that its prime mission to guarantee peace and security across the globe is as of yet unfulfilled. What we see is that something new is required not from government but from the people of the world themselves.
That new ingredient is a unifying cultural story shared by all people, regardless of nationality, faith, ethnicity, etc. This new cultural story is growing quickly in many cultures and is a result of the direct experience we’re having of our shared humanity in an increasingly connected world. It transcends any divisive ideologies or belief systems handed down by the cultural and spiritual traditions of past generations. This spontaneous and organic movement away from separation and division toward unity and oneness needs to be acknowledged, supported and expanded in order to preserve our planet and create a sustainable world that works for everyone. We certainly deserve it, but we have to build it… from the bottom up and from the inside out.
That is why we see The United Nations of Gaia not only as Humanity’s Brightest Future, but also as the brightest future of The United Nations organization itself. Our philosophy is to keep that which we believe already belongs in our brightest future, fix it if necessary, then create from scratch what we know should be in it, and let go of what obviously no longer serves us.
of Gaia
By giving our living, planetary ecosystem a simple yet beautiful proper name, we create awareness of our connection to the earth and our responsibility for her wellbeing.
Gaia is our Earth. In ancient Greek mythology, Gaia is the goddess of our planet, better known in modern times as Mother Nature.
Apart from this historical reference, Gaia is simply a beautiful name, just as are the names Africa, Asia, America, Europe, Oceania and Australia, and Antarctica. Aesthetically and functionally, the name Gaia, we believe, accurately represents the sum of all these continents.
But let’s also include The Atlantic, The Pacific, The Indian, The Arctic and The Southern Oceans as well as all the seas, the lakes and rivers, the atmosphere, the minerals, and all of the wonderful life forms found on Earth, including ourselves.
In our vision, everyone and everything in and on Earth, taken together, are Gaia.
It’s part of our basic understanding that we are all one with Life, one with each other, and one with the Source of Life, however you choose to call it.
This is the missing element which we wish to introduce into the collective imagination of humanity.
A Name That Unites
In conclusion, The United Nations of Gaia is a name that can potentially unite us all when we understand its deeper meaning and symbolism.
The name United Nations of Gaia and the phrase Humanity’s Brightest Future, as we define them here, indicate “What We Are Building” and “Where We Are Going”, respectively.
These are the coordinates of a common destination toward which each of us can point ourselves as we move through our creative journeys together.
It’s useful to consider ourselves as already having a global citizenship because it gives us a new layer of shared identity that will help us understand and experience our underlying oneness in a world where separation seems so real. This, we believe, will remove the last obstacles from our path toward a fully collaborative international society and allow us to finally build the world which we know we all desire but simply have not yet known how to create.
The United Nations of Gaia represents, in its grandest vision, Humanity’s Brightest Future – Imagined, Expressed and Manifested By You and By All Of Us.
What's In The Box?
Vision & Mission
Founding Documents
Main Bodies
Principle Departments
“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”
∼ John Lennon
Singer, Songwriter, Musician and Peace Activist
Coming Up In The Tour
The next part of The Tour requires a Visitor’s Account in order to proceed. Here is a list of the main sections you’ll be exploring:
1. Be The Change
What does it take to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem? Change in the world begins with a change in the hearts and minds of individuals.
In Step 2 of the tour, you will learn about our Foundational Framework grounded in Being. The 5 components that make up the framework are nothing new, they are all essentially common sense and mostly mainstream wisdom.
2. Unite For Change
Why is it that we are so easily divided? Change in the world becomes possible when people unite around a common cause.
In Step 3 of The Tour, you will get a peek at some of the tools we are creating to bring together a critical mass of our global population in support of Humanity’s Brightest Future.
3. Build The Change
Can we replace competition with cooperation and focus on solving big issues? Change in the world becomes reality when people work together to create something new.
In Step 4 of The Tour, we’ll describe all of the projects and initiatives that are already on our drawing board and that, with your contribution, we’ll be able to develop and complete over the coming months and years.
In almost all cases, our projects are part of a complex platform that will support you, your projects and your life work, too.
4. Claim Your vCitizenship
It’s very possible that our vision is your vision too, and at the end of The Tour you will know if it is.
Step 5 of The Tour is designed to help you determine whether or not you are in resonance with the material presented to you in Steps 1-4. If you are enthusiastic and you recognize that our vision is in alignment with your own, you will be able to claim your virtual citizenship (vCitizenship) and activate your social profile within our platform. Participation is free and without obligations.
After The Tour
After you’ve claimed your vCitizenship, you’ll gain access to many Pathways of Opportunity, organized in these main categories:
1. Connect & Engage
Join a global community and share your ideas, projects and initiatives.
This pathway of opportunity provides many ways to connect and engage with others. We support social profiles and listings for:
- Individuals
- Organizations
- Projects
- Initiatives
- Movements
- Businesses
No matter who or where you are, we make it easy to connect and engage with each other.
2. Get Involved & Contribute
We welcome your knowledge and wisdom as well as your experience, resources and talents.
3. Explore & Expand
Explore new ideas, beliefs and concepts, and expand your understandings of life.
4. Reach Out & Report
Join our highly rewarding outreach initiative and help us quickly reach and surpass critical mass.
5. Serve & Provide
Serve as a representative or advisor on The World Peace And Unity Council and provide the kind of inspired leadership that will take us into Humanity’s Brightest Future.
6. Support & Sustain
Creating Humanity's Brightest Future
Humanity has an infinite number of possible futures that it can choose to create and experience. Which one of these becomes our next shared reality is entirely up to us, collectively. The old model of the world is based on fear and separation, and what we seek to create now is a significantly new model based on love and unity. If you choose to, you can play an important role in bringing it into reality.
Take a moment to create your visitors’ account and travel through the next few pages of The Tour. You’ll find out how you can become a virtual citizen of The United Nations of Gaia and help create a new path leading directly to Humanity’s Brightest Future.
Create a Visitors Account
To continue, please create your Visitor Account. This will allow us to personalize your experience and give you the opportunity to provide feedback during your journey.
You may delete your account and all personal data at any time.
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You can read our magazine The Gaian Sun instead or visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for more clarity.